The Sunset Beach Sanitary District provides sewage and trash collection services to the communities of Sunset Beach and Surfside. We’re glad you chose our website to obtain more information about the services and programs we provide.
History of Sewage Services in Sunset Beach
Sunset Beach Sanitary District began operations in 1935 when the unincorporated community it
served was a virtual ‘island’, surrounded by wetlands and open spaces. The Cities of Seal Beach
and Huntington Beach were some distance away, connected by PCH and the ‘Red Line’ railway.
The District was formed (earlier) to provide services no one else could. The district provided
onsite stand-alone sewage collection, treatment and disposal services, and refuse collection with offsite disposal service.
A lot changed in the next 50 years and in the 1980’s, the District joined with the City of
Huntington Beach and the Orange County Sanitation District in a project to abandon its old
sewage treatment facilities. As part of that package, the District turned over its treatment plant
property to the City of Huntington Beach, and the City’s Warner Fire Station now uses that land.
For 80 years the District operated a sewage pumping station on Warner Avenue. That too
changed in the last couple of years when the District joined the City of Huntington Beach in a
project that re-built a City sewage pumping plant, allowing both the City and the District to
abandon other existing pumping plants, including the District’s Warner Avenue pumping station.
In 2014, the District cooperated with the Surfside Colony community by eliminating common
sewer laterals that were in poor repair, and installing needed potable water and drainage
Last year the District cooperated with the Surfside Colony community by replacing certain
private sewer laterals as part of a road re-building project. About the same time, the District,
with cooperation from the City of Huntington Beach, installed an enclosed emergency generator on the City’s Sunset Greenbelt, and agreed to provide sewer service for the City’s public restrooms on that Greenbelt.
Trash Collection Services
Sunset Beach Sanitary District has provided trash collection and services since 1935 for the
Sunset Beach and Surfside Colony communities. In 2017, the District negotiated a new trash collection contact that raised rates less than 2%, after 8 years without a price increase. Future yearly rate changes will be based on a US Government index. The new contract provides many services to residents, including the following:
Twice per week trash collection, on Mondays and Fridays, possibly the only agency in
Orange County that does so.
Four (4) special collections of large items, like furniture.
Provides recycling services.
A hazardous waste drop-off site in Huntington Beach.
Ability to swap larger 65 gallon containers for smaller 35 gallon containers.
Container cleaning services at an additional charge.
We provide the twice per week collection and use smaller, 65 gallon (or 35 gallon) containers so
you can store them out of site easier. We ask that you place the containers in the collection
location no sooner than noon of the preceding day, and re-store them out of sight by 10pm of the collection day. Please don’t overfill. Containers should be no more than ‘level full’, i.e. the lids should be snapped shut.
These suggestions are in place so that our community looks as good as it can, and debris is not
blowing away. Keeping your containers stored and closed properly avoids an unsightly mess,
and reduces the risk of vermin in our area.